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A Nice Place to Practice English and Make New Friends!


Morning Shower


  (1)A nice cool shower first thing in the morning wakes me up completely and leaves me refreshed. Before taking the shower, I am usually so sleepy that I can hardly open my eyes. As soon as I splash cold water over my face and body, I wake up with a pleasurable sensation. Then, as I stand there under the gushing showerhead, feeling the coolness of water over my body and listening to the sound of water gurgling down the drain, I feel totally refreshed and relaxed. I enjoy taking morning showers. It is the best way I know to get the day off to a good start.

  (2)She was taking a morning shower. The warm spray from the showerhead danced on her hair and foamed down her body. Steam came up and soon the bathroom was foggy. She closed her eyes, feeling the foams covering her body with thousand of kisses. In the sunbeams that streamed in through the only window, water drops glittered like morning dews. A cool wind rushed in. She looked out the window. Some leaves were falling. "It must be autumn!" She murmured to herself. She stood motionless. There was no sound except that of water gurgling down the drain.

  (3)Every morning, as soon as the alarm clock wakes me up, I get out of bed and go into the bathroom, sleepy-eyed. After taking off my clothes, I rub my body to stimulate circulation. Then I turn the faucet on. A hissing avalanche of water foams down my body in cold sheets. I close my eyes, not thinking about anything, so that I can better enjoy the cool sensation and pleasurable prickliness of the cold spray. I stay this way for about two minutes. When I finish, I dry myself with a towel, put on my clothes and step out of the bathroom refreshed and relaxed.

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本文标题:短篇英语范文【43】早上淋浴 - 英语作文范文_英语作文万能句子_英语作文模板


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