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When The Show People Come To The Village


  On important festival days there will be shows in the village. Everyone looks forward to the show people's coming. The show usually starts at three in the afternoon, runs until five-thirty, and stops for a dinner break. At seven-thirty the the villagers, old and young alike, bring their hand fans and chairs to sit in front of the stage. The oldest members of the village usually watch the program until midnight. Standing and sitting in front are a constant moving crowd of children who watch everything on and off the stage. The music is always loud. People like the noise, the action, the makeup, and beautiful costumes of the show. The atmosphere of a big party makes festival days special.

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本文标题:短篇英语范文【97】戏剧团到村里来的时候 - 英语作文范文_英语作文万能句子_英语作文模板


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