

阅读 :

 I would like to be a child

     I would like to be a child, I would like to bed early to get up early every day, I want to learn every day, every day I would like to up!
 I would like to be a child, I can not be choosy food, I should eat more vegetables, eating sauerkraut, eat less meat and more. I want to drink less milk, coke; I have to eat nutritious, and shall not eat junk food or bad food looks.
 I would like to be a child, I can no longer fun, I would like to read good books, watching television less and less exercise and more online. I would like to play games more exercise less; I have to look at valuable, may not look vulgar entertainment plus low vacuum (can drift glance glance to the World Cup, but only to see the first half and the result can be online searching, no, in front of less said the Internet, or access to a knowledgeable person can be asked about the day's news).
 I would like to be a child, I can no longer well-behaved, I have to listen to good words, less music, less talk more with our ears. I would like to listen to their elders advocated less; I have to listen to a promotion may not be heard from the right ear or left ear right ear or directly into the left ear disregard blowing from all directions.
 I would like to be a child, I will not be able to get good results, if I got good results, 555 ....(` 00 `) I do not have a child again.
 我想是一个孩子,我将无法获得良好的结果,如果我得到好成绩555 ....(` 00`)我没有孩子了。

本文标题:我想成为一个孩子 - 英语作文范文_英语作文万能句子_英语作文模板


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