Tony Porter致男人的宣言-Ted英语演讲(双语演讲稿)
Sheryl Sandberg's Powerful UC Berkeley Commencement Speech(Excerpt)
知名毕业演讲特辑之二:“脸书”首席运营官谢莉·桑德伯格首次公开谈及丈夫过世一事Sheryl Sandberg's Powerful UC Berkeley Commencement Speech(Excerpt) Sheryl Sandberg made an emotional appeal for r...
2018-12-06 英语演讲稿 -
工作大解放,办公室工作效率低-Jason Fried Ted英语演讲(文)
Jason Fried: Why Work Doesn’t Happen at Work,37signals的创始人之一、《工作大解放(rework)》的作者Jason Fried在TEDxMidwest上的观点就是,办公室很不幸已成为工作禁区,很多人在办公室办公的效率极低...
2018-11-08 英语演讲稿 -
I'd like to talk about sportsmanship.Here is a quote I want to start with.It's “Win or lose,be a good sport.”That means always play fair.Always follow the rules.Always be honest...
2018-12-04 英语演讲稿 -
TED英语演讲集:Let's talk parenting taboos 为人父母的育儿的禁忌[中英字幕]
Alisa Volkman: So this is where our story begins -- the dramatic moments of the birth of our first son, Declan. Obviously a really profound moment, and it changed our lives in many ways. It also chang...
2018-10-31 英语演讲稿 -
国际英文演讲高手指导第17课:江泽民“ 年香港《财富》全球论坛”开幕晚宴上的讲话
《国际英文演讲高手指导》 :用你的语言改变你的人生 精辟的演讲技巧为你揭开演讲之迷,从此踏上成功的演讲之路!商务演讲发掘在商界纵横捭阖,做一个出色的企业家必须具备的语言能力,展示企业家的风范!国家领导人...
2018-11-08 英语演讲稿 -
THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. For many Americans, the new year began with a resolution to live a better and healthier life. Whatever goals you have set for yourself this year, one goal we can...
2018-10-27 英语演讲稿 -
TED英语演讲集:Teach every child about food 教会每个孩子如何饮食
Teach every child about food教会每个孩子如何饮食Sadly, in the next 18 minutes when I do our chat, four Americans that are alive will be dead through the food that they eat.令人伤心的是 在下面...
2018-10-31 英语演讲稿 -
Kare Andersonr在TED演讲:Be an Opportunity Maker机会创造者 (双语++mp3)
Kare Anderson: Be an opportunity maker【TED】凯儿˙安德森: 给自己和别人带来希望与意外斩获-机会制造者I grew up diagnosed as phobically shy,我从小就有社交恐惧症and like at least 20 other people...
2018-11-09 英语演讲稿 -
名人励志演讲:We Are What We Choose--亚马逊CEO杰夫•贝索斯(双语演讲稿)
We Are What We Choose 选择塑造人生——杰夫·贝索斯Cleverness is a gift, kindness is a choice. Gifts are easy — they're given after all. Choices can be hard. You can se...
2018-10-31 英语演讲稿 -
3月13日上午,十二届全国人大二次会议举行闭幕会,大会闭幕后,国务院总理李克强在人民大会堂金色大厅与中外记者见面并回答记者提问。以下是记者会实录。On the morning of 13 March 2014, the Second Session of the Twe...
2019-01-23 英语演讲稿