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Obama's Weekly Address WEEKLY ADDRESS: The World Is United in the Fight Against ISIL

奥巴马周末演讲: 全世界联合打击伊斯兰国

Over the past week, the United States has continued to lead our friends and allies in the strategy todegrade and ultimately destroy the terrorist group known as ISIL. As I’ve said before, ourintelligence community has not yet detected specific plots from these terrorists against America. Right now, they pose a threat to the people of Iraq, Syria, and the broader Middle East. But itsleaders have threatened America and our allies. And if left unchecked, they could pose a growingthreat to the United States.


So, last month, I gave the order for our military to begin taking targeted action against ISIL. Sincethen, American pilots have flown more than 170 airstrikes against these terrorists in Iraq. AndFrance has now joined us in these airstrikes.


Going forward, we won’t hesitate to take action against these terrorists in Iraq or in Syria. But thisis not America’s fight alone. I won’t commit our troops to fighting another ground war in Iraq, orin Syria. It’s more effective to use our capabilities to help partners on the ground secure their owncountry’s futures. We will use our air power. We will train and equip our partners. We will adviseand we will assist. And we’ll lead a broad coalition of nations who have a stake in this fight. Thisisn’t America vs. ISIL. This is the people of that region vs. ISIL. It’s the world vs ISIL.


We’ve been working to secure bipartisan support for this strategy here at home, because I believethat we are strongest as a nation when the President and Congress work together. We’ve beenconsulting closely with Congress. And last week, Secretary of State Kerry, Secretary of DefenseHagel, and military leaders worked to gain their support for our strategy.


A majority of Democrats and a majority of Republicans in both the House and the Senate havenow approved a first, key part of our strategy by wide margins. They’ve given our troops theauthority they need to train Syrian opposition fighters so that they can fight ISIL in Syria. Thosevotes sent a powerful signal to the world: Americans are united in confronting this danger. And Ihope Congress continues to make sure our troops get what they need to get the job done.


Meanwhile, because we’re leading the right way, more nations are joining our coalition. Over 40countries have offered to help the broad campaign against ISIL so far – from training andequipment, to humanitarian relief, to flying combat missions. And this week, at the United Nations,I’ll continue to rally the world against this threat.


This is an effort that America has the unique ability to lead. When the world is threatened; whenthe world needs help; it calls on America. And we call on our troops. Whether it’s to degrade andultimately destroy a group of terrorists, or to contain and combat a threat like the Ebola epidemicin Africa; we ask a lot of our troops. But while our politics may be divided at times, the Americanpeople stand united around supporting our troops and their families. This is a moment of Americanleadership. Thanks to them, it is a moment we will meet. Thank you.


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本文标题:奥巴马每周电视演讲2014年9月20日:全世界联合打击伊斯兰国(中英lrc) - 英语演讲稿_英语演讲稿范文_英文演讲稿


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