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in the 18th century, the english made it legally impossible for irish catholics to buy property, so land ownership in ireland was concentrated in protestant hands-- often"mainlanders".

in the 1870s, a retired english soldier, charles boycott, accepted employment in ireland as an agent for an absentee landlord. a harsh man, he insisted on collecting the last farthing of rent, and evicting tenants who could not pay. in 1880, the irish launched a campaign of isolation against him. his tenants and servants stopped work, neighbours did not talk to him, shops refused to serve him, and postal workers ceased delivering his mail. life soon proved unbearable to him, and he had to leave ireland on 1 december of the same year. his name, however, became immortalised by the creation of the verb"to boycott".

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本文标题:古德明英语军事小故事:抵制先生(中英对照) - 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事


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