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film director henry koster, who was born in berlin in 1905, became the subject of anti-semitism as germany fell to nazism. in 1933, he was insulted in a bank during lunch hour by a nazi ss, who said some nasty things about his family and heritage. koster lost his temper and knocked the officer out.

the manager of the bank, a friend of koster's, promptly shoved some money into his pocket and told him to go directly to the train station and leave germany. koster took the advice, and made his way first to france and then to america.

ironically, during the war, koster, as a german citizen, was considered an enemy alien and was kept under partial house arrest. he had to stay in his house in the evening.

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本文标题:古德明英语军事小故事:「敌国侨民」(中英对照) - 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事


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