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in 1671, an irish-born colonel, thomas blood, attempted to steal the crown jewels of england from the tower of london. he started by befriending the jewel keeper, talbot edwards. having earned his trust, blood convinced him to show the jewels to two of his friends, who then hit edwards on the head with a mallet and knocked him to the floor, where he was bound, gagged and stabbed.

it happened that edwards' son, returning from military service in flanders, chose that moment to visit his father. the elder edwards, managing to free the gag, shouted, "the crown is stolen!" blood and his companions tried to escape, but were captured. to everyone's surprise, when blood was taken to the palace, king charles Ⅱ not only pardoned him, but gave him irish lands worth £ 500 a year.

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本文标题:古德明英语军事小故事:盗王冠(中英对照) - 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事


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