
百喻经之二八: 为妇贸鼻喻

阅读 :

§28 为妇贸鼻喻

(28) change the wife's nose


once upon a time, there was a man whose wife was graceful except for her ugly nose. when he was out, he saw another graceful looking woman with a pretty nose. it came into his mind that "i would cut her nose and transplant it on my wife's face. wouldn't that be nice?"


he then cut the nose off this other woman. caring it home he hurriedly called out to his wife, "come quickly! i got a pretty nose for you."


once she came out, he cut off her nose and replaced it with the one he had cut off first. it did not fit; also the wife suffered a great pain.


so are the stupid in the world. they hear that aged monks and brahmans with great fame and merit are respected and much supported. they say to themselves in these words, "there is no difference between them and us."


they falsely pretend to be virtuous. not only do they gain nothing, they get a bad name for their misbehavior as well. those people are just like the stupid man cutting other's nose only to injure his own wife.








佛法说,业有定业 不定业,定业就是说,已成的物体不容易改变,譬如说,金与铁都是一样的金属,其本质的贵贱是差别很大的。世间已成的物体—譬如人的美丑,物的贵贱,个性的善恶,都是不容易改变的,欲改变它必须费很大的工夫,以及很长的时间,甚至于生生世世,急于改变往往弄巧成拙或得到相反的结果。



爱美是人类的天性,尤其是女人,脸上涂红擦粉,身上穿着五花杂色的衣服,乃至真珠宝玉,都千方百计地去争取来装饰此身,这是众生的我执习性。我执乃是一切众生造业 生死轮回的根本,是故欲离欲解脱生死,须修不净观。不净观有五:一者生处不净,二者种子不净,三者四大不净,四者九孔不净,五者毕竟不净。修此五不净观可以离欲解脱生死。


本文标题:百喻经之二八: 为妇贸鼻喻 - 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事


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