
古德明英语军事小故事:死 光(中英对照)

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古德明《征服英语》之英语军事故事,古德明,香港英语教育作家,他开了一个《征服英语专栏》,在专栏中专门用英语写了世界近代史上的军事小故事,用英语讲述历史中那些惊心动魄的战争。死 光

shortly before his death in 1943, the eccentric but brilliant inventor nikola tesla telephoned the us war department and offered the secret plans for a "teleforce" weapon which, he claimed, could knock planes out of the sky from a distance of several miles. the recipient, a certain colonel erskine, did not recognise his famous caller. assuming that tesla was clinically insane, erskine promised to call him back and promptly forgot about him.

tesla also offered his invention to european countries, but none of the governments were interested. consequently, the weapon, which the press called a "peace ray" or "death ray", was never built.

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