
古德明英语军事小故事:寒 盟 招 侮(中英对照)

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寒 盟 招 侮

in 396 bc, agesilaus, king of sparta, crossed into asia minor with a force of 2000 newly freed slaves and 6000 allies to liberate greek cities from persian dominion. when he came to ephesus, tisaphernes, the satrap of lydia and caria, being at first afraid, treated with him about setting the greek cities at liberty, which was agreed on. but soon after, finding a sufficient force drawn together, he resolved upon war.

to be even with tisaphernes, agesilaus requites his perjury by pretending to march into caria, whither when he has drawn tisaphernes and his army, he suddenly turns back, and falls upon phrygia, takes many of their cities, and carries away great booty, showing that to break a solemn agreement was a downright contempt of the gods, but outwitting an enemy in war was not only just but glorious.

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