English Corner


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A Nice Place to Practice English and Make New Friends!



35 the dog has a bad friend 交友不慎的狗

once there was a fox who lived in a jungle he always went to look for food in a village that was not far from where he lived one day, the fox went to a village near the jungle. 森林里住着一只狐狸。它时常跑到附近的村子里偷吃的。有一天,这只狐狸悄悄地溜进森林附近的村子里来。

there he met a dog who was guarding his master's house. "how are you, mv friend?" asked the fox. "i'm fine, thank you," said the dog. "why do you sit here?
它碰见 了一只看门狗.“你好吗,朋友7”狐狸问。 “我很好,谢谢。¨狗回应道。“你为什么呆在这儿呢?

let's go and look for some food, "said the fox. the dog felt that all this while his master had not given him enough food to eat. "where shall we go?" asked the dog.
走吧,我们一起去找好吃的吧。狐狸说狗觉得可以,因为它在主人家连饭都吃不饱。 狗问道:“那我们该去哪儿呢,

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本文标题:那些给我智慧和勇气的寓言故事35:交友不慎的狗 - 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事


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