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37 The Fox and the Stork 狐狸和鹳

A Fox invited a long-beaked Stork to have dinner with him.

“I hope you don’t mind sharing the same dish with me,” said the Fox. “It is our custom in the woods to eat together to show that we are friendly.”
“希望你不要介意和我和吃一道菜,” 狐狸说,“一同吃饭说明交情好,这是我们森林里的习惯。”

“Not at all,” said the Stork politely.

The Fox brought a wide, shallow bowl of thin soup and set it between them.

‘please help yourself,” he said, setting down to lap the soup with his long pink tongue.

The Stork stood with her long legs apart and put the tip of her long, thin beak into the soup; but although she tried to scoop up the thin liquid it was quite impossible for her to do so.

Even when she did manage to hold a few drops in her beak they were lost long before they could trickle down to her throat. Too polite to complain, the Stork went home hungry while the greedy Fox lapped up all the soup. As she left she heard him laughing to himself at his own cleverness.

A few days later the Stork invited the Fox to have dinner with her in return and the Fox made his way to her home.

“it is our custom to share a dish, too,” said the Stork, “ I hope you will join me.”

“Certainly, certainly,” said the Fox, licking his lips. He had not eaten all day.

The Stork brought her food. This time, however, it was served in a tall, thin jug with a narrow opening at the top.

“Please begin,” said the Stork, thrusting her beak into the jug.

“Mmmm. It is good.”

Of course the Fox could not get his nose into the jug at all. All he could do was sniff hungrily at the delicious smell and lick the occasional drop that spilled over the side.

“I suppose I can’t complain,” he said to himself sadly as he made his way back to the woods. “After all, I taught her the trick myself.”

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本文标题:那些给我智慧和勇气的寓言故事37:狐狸和鹳 - 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事


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