
中国成语寓言故事10:Exchanging the Ox for a Sheep以羊易牛(双语)

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    One day, seated in the ancestral hall, King Hui of Liang saw a man leading an ox pass by. He asked:


    "Where are you taking the ox?"


    The man leading the ox stopped and answered:


    "I am taking it to be slaughtered and will use its blood to paint the bell."


    As King Hui heard this, he felt pity for the ox and said:


    "How can that be done? You are too cruel. Let it go at once. It is not guilty. How can you kill it? I cannot bear to see it panic-stricken, shedding tears and trembling before its death."


    The man leading the ox asked:


    "Do you mean that I shall let the ox go and not paint the bell? Is that it?"


    King Hui answered:


    "What are you saying? How can you not paint the bell! Let the ox go, but use a sheep instead."




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