
中国成语寓言故事58:Xue Tan Learns to Sing薛谭学讴(双语)

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    Qin Qing was a famous singer in the State of Qin.


    A young man named Xue Tan acknowledged him as teacher to learn singing and playing musical instruments from him.


    Xue Tan learned for a certain period of time, but before he had mastered the skill of his teacher, he thought that he had learned all.


    One day, Xue Tan planned to leave his teacher for home. His teacher knew he was leaving and did not urge him to stay.


    The day Xue Tan said goodbye to his teacher and set out for home, Qin Qing accompanied him on his way and gave him an especial farewell dinner outside the city. During the dinner, Qin Qing beat time and sang a solemn and stirring song. His resounding voice shook the trees along the road; his beautiful singing kept the clouds lingering in the sky.


    Xue Tan heard the singing and felt ashamed of himself. He hurriedly knelt down before his teacher and apologized:


    "Master, after I heard you sing, I can find no place to hide myself for shame. I am ashamed beyond words. I am far from mastering your skill."


    He asked his teacher to forgive him and allow him to stay and resume his learning. From then on, he learned humbly and dared not ask to go home. Later, he said to everyone he met:


    "To learn a skill, how can one be conceited and learn only half-baked knowledge?"


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本文标题:中国成语寓言故事58:Xue Tan Learns to Sing薛谭学讴(双语) - 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事


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