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中国成语寓言故事88:Who Should Take the Seat of Honour?谁坐上座(双语)

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    A long time ago, the kitchen chimney of a family was built so straight that when cooking meals, the flames came right out, while there was a big heap of firewood just in front of the opening of the range.


    An old man living next door saw this and advised the master of the family:


    "You must quickly overhaul the chimney, and make a bend of it so that when you light a fire, the flames will not come right out. You should move farther away the big heap of firewood in front of the opening of the range; otherwise it will be easy to catch fire."


    Though the old man had reminded him of the danger, the master thought nothing of it.


    One day, the sparks of the fire spilled onto the firewood. Sure enough, the house was ablaze. Fortunately all the neighbours rushed to help put out the fire.


    Consequently, the master gave a feast to reward the neighbours who had come to help put out the fire. Those who had been injured, especially those badly burned, were given the seats of honour, but the old man who had advised him beforehand was not invited.


    When the guests took their seats, a man with knowledge and experience said to the master:


    "If you had taken that old man's advice, overhauled the chimney earlier, and moved away the firewood before the range, then this fire wouldn't have happened. Today you invite and reward those who helped you put out the fire, which is quite reasonable.


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