Shenzhen English Corner


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The Old House

  There was a very old house in a street. A boy liked this house very much. An old man was living in that house.

  The old man always looked out of the window. That's why they made a friendship with each other. The next Sunday morning, the boy visited the old house, and he talked to the old man.

  "I have two toy soldiers, and this is one of them. I will give you one, because you look so lonely. ""Little friend, thank you for giving me such a nice gift and visiting me." The old man welcomed the boy and said.

  The old man and the boy were so happy together. But the toy soldier started to complain. "I can't stand this house any more. I am too lonely and bored in this house." "Don't be sad. Instead, this house is beautiful, isn't it?"

  "I am sick and tired everyday in here."" You have to stay here because you were the gift for my friend. Don't you understand that?" "I will go to a battlefield." The toy soldier yelled. The toy soldier fell to the ground, but nobody could find him.

  "I will find where he is." But he couldn't find the toy soldier. It was too far away to be found. After dark the boy went back to his house. When the winter came, the old man died. A few days later after the old man's death, the old house was cleared away and a new house was built in that place. After many years, the little boy grew into a young man, and he married. He moved to the old man's house with a beautiful garden.

  "Ouch! What is this?" His wife shouted out in pain. There was something sharp on the ground. Can you guess what it was? It was the toy soldier that he and the old man had been searching for. "Let me see."

  The boy, now a grown-up, looked at the toy soldier carefully and smiled.





  老男人和小男孩是如此幸福。但玩具士兵开始抱怨。 “我不能忍受这所房子了。我太孤独,在这所房子无聊。” “不要难过。相反,这房子是美丽的,是不是?”

  “我病了,每天都在这儿了。”“你必须呆在这里,因为你是我的朋友的礼物。你难道不明白吗?” “我会去战场。”该玩具士兵喊道。该玩具士兵倒在地上,但没有人能找到他。


  “哎哟!这是什么?”他的妻子喊出了痛苦。有尖锐的地面上。你能猜到是什么吗?这是玩具兵,他和老人一直在寻找。 “让我看看。”

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本文标题:老房子 - 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事


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