
找个工作 Get a Job

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One day shortly after I had come home from college, my father was outside doing yard work. He found a baby bird under a tree and assumed it had fallen from its nest. Wanting to return the tiny creature to its home, my dad went to get a ladder . When he got back, he found another baby bird on the ground.

  Suddenly he heard a loud chirping from above. Looking up, my father saw the mother bird giving a third baby the boot from its nest. With that, Dad walked into our house, took one look at me watching television and barked, "Get a job!"


  (1) assume v.猜测

  (2) chirping n.啁啾声

  (3) give sb the boot开除;赶出

  (4) bark v.咆哮着说出;吼叫



  ① Probably the son had just graduated from college when the incident took place.

  ② The father saw a hurt bird under a tree.

  ③ The father sent the first baby bird back to its home.

  ④ Altogether, the father had found three baby birds on the ground before he stepped into the house.

  ⑤ The father, having seen the mother bird kicking the young birds, thought that his son was old enough to feed himself.







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