
A Father and a Patriot

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  “Abba, how come Nanaji does Puja while Ammi and you perform Namaaz?” eight year old Muskaan asked her father Imtiaz Hussain. They were sitting in the balcony of their flat on a Sunday morning munching groundnuts - the year was 2023.

  “Before I answer your question let me tell you a little story.”

  “Wow! That's great, but make it a long one,” Muskaan said snuggling up to her father.

  “Muskaan, you must have read in your General Knowledge book that India and Pakistan fought a war in the year 1999. Pakistani intruders had invaded Kargil and the Indian forces had beaten them back. For the Indians the Kargil conflict was the toughest war they had fought since independence. The war brought to light many tales of heroism, valour, courage and compassion. One such story is that of a Major who was called Major Tiger by his colleagues because he was very brave and fearless. This tale is about him and his love for a little girl…… It is a story of a father and a patriot.

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本文标题:A Father and a Patriot - 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事

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