
百喻经之五一: 五人买婢共使作喻

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§51 五人买婢共使作喻

(51) a maid and her five masters


once there were five men who together bought a maid to whom one of them said, "get my clothes washed."


another man also told her to do the same thing. but the maid said he would wash for whoever gave her clothes first. angrily the second man said, "since i have bought you with others, how can you wash only for the first one who gave the elder?"


then he beat her ten strokes with a whip. thus she was whipped as much by each of the five masters.


so are the five components of human bodies, which are the sources of annoyances. they whip the sentient beings with birth giving, old age, sickness, death and numerous other miseries.





  色、受、想、行、识这五阴也是这样。以种种烦恼为因缘合成了人这个身体,而这身体中的五阴常常用生老病死 无穷无尽的苦恼来鞭笞折磨众生。




  这五人就好像「五阴」(=五蕴=色受想行识),婢女就像是「人身」,说明「人」以烦恼因缘合成一身,而「五阴」恒以生老病死 无量苦恼笞打众生。现实人生,受着无情的五阴煎逼,悲哀苦恼,这不就像受鞭抽打的婢女么?





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