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9. 玉柱汤

jade chopstick soup 


  in wenzhou in zhejiang, there lived a boy called xiao zhen. one night a god in golden armor appeared in a dream and said, "son, you can only live to be 18 years old." when xiao zhen woke up, he was scared. he felt very sad that he would die so young.


  xiao zhen's father was a government official. he was very honest, so he got promoted and sent to sichuan, another province far away. xiao zhen did not want to leave home, because he knew he couldn't live very long. his father didn't know about chen's dream, and insisted on taking him with him.

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本文标题:放生故事之九:玉柱汤 - 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事


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