
The power of words

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  Once upon a time, a Lion Sher Khan, his wife lioness Bijli and two small cubs Sheru and Shera were travelling through the woods in the jungle. Suddenly, while crossing the woods Sheru and Shera fell in the trap led down by the hunters. Sher Khan and Bijli got worried and saw around there was no sign of danger. They sat near the trap helplessly thinking that now they have lost their sons.

  The cubs inside the ditch kept on trying to come out the trap, watching this parents asked them not to take pains and just sit there as there was no way out. But the two kept on trying hard, to save their lives. The Bijli felt helpless and started crying and telling her sons, that it was of no use, the ditch is very deep and you cannot make it out of it.

  But they still kept on trying, at last Sheru, took his mothers advice and surrendered himself to his destiny and sat there crying on his helplessness. But Shera kept on trying and at last made a final jump with all his might and came out the ditch, and thus saved his life. The Shera was deaf, unable to listen what his parents were saying, he thought that they were encouraging him all the time. And he made his way out of the ditch.

  MORAL The power of life and death is in the words. Encouraging words to someone who is down can lift him up and help him to make through it. As in the story the Shera thought that her mother was encouraging him to come out the trap and he can make out of the trap helped him to win over his destiny. But at the same time the Sheru heard those discouraging words from his parents and stopped trying, thus destructive words to someone who is down can be what it takes to kill them.

  So kids be careful of what you speak. Speak life to those who cross your path.

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