
安徒生童话:Poultry Meg’S Family 家禽麦格的一家

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poultry meg was the only person who lived in the new
stately dwelling that had been built for the fowls and ducks
belonging to the manor house. it stood there where once the
old knightly building had stood with its tower, its pointed
gables, its moat, and its drawbridge. close by it was a
wilderness of trees and thicket; here the garden had been, and
had stretched out to a great lake, which was now moorland.
crows and choughs flew screaming over the old trees, and there
were crowds of birds; they did not seem to get fewer when any
one shot among them, but seemed rather to increase. one heard
the screaming into the poultry-house, where poultry meg sat
with the ducklings running to and fro over her wooden shoes.
she knew every fowl and every duck from the moment it crept
out of the shell; and she was fond of her fowls and her ducks,
and proud of the stately house that had been built for them.
her own little room in the house was clean and neat, for that
was the wish of the gracious lady to whom the house belonged.
she often came in the company of grand noble guests, to whom
she showed "the hens' and ducks' barracks," as she called the
little house.

    here were a clothes cupboard, and an, arm-chair, and even
a chest of drawers; and on these drawers a polished metal
plate had been placed, whereon was engraved the word "grubbe,"
and this was the name of the noble family that had lived in
the house of old. the brass plate had been found when they
were digging the foundation; and the clerk has said it had no
value except in being an old relic. the clerk knew all about
the place, and about the old times, for he had his knowledge
from books, and many a memorandum had been written and put in
his table-drawer. but the oldest of the crows perhaps knew
more than he, and screamed it out in her own language; but
that was the crow's language, and the clerk did not understand
that, clever as he was.

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本文标题:安徒生童话:Poultry Meg’S Family 家禽麦格的一家 - 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事


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