
安徒生童话:Great Claus and Little Claus

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in a village there once lived two men who had the same name. they were both called claus. one of them had four horses, but the other had only one; so to distinguish them, people called the owner of the four horses, “great claus,” and he who had only one, “little claus.” now we shall hear what happened to them, for this is a true story.

through the whole week, little claus was obliged to plough for great claus, and lend him his one horse; and once a week, on a sunday, great claus lent him all his four horses. then how little claus would smack his whip over all five horses, they were as good as his own on that one day. the sun shone brightly, and the church bells were ringing merrily as the people passed by, dressed in their best clothes, with their prayer-books under their arms. they were going to hear the clergyman preach. they looked at little claus ploughing with his five horses, and he was so proud that he smacked his whip, and said, “gee-up, my five horses.”

“you must not say that,” said big claus; “for only one of them belongs to you.” but little claus soon forgot what he ought to say, and when any one passed he would call out, “gee-up, my five horses!”

“now i must beg you not to say that again,” said big claus; “for if you do, i shall hit your horse on the head, so that he will drop dead on the spot, and there will be an end of him.”

“i promise you i will not say it any more,” said the other; but as soon as people came by, nodding to him, and wishing him “good day,” he became so pleased, and thought how grand it looked to have five horses ploughing in his field, that he cried out again, “gee-up, all my horses!”

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