
Sloth to the Rescue

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  Once upon a time there was a sloth. All sloths are lazy animals who live in trees.

  The other animals of the forest knew that sloths were lazy, but they all thought that this sloth was the largest and laziest of them all, and quite good for nothing.

  One day a bird flew into the tree and built her nest beside Sloth. As she sat on her eggs. She twittered to him and sang, making him very happy. He would nibble at nearby leaves and fruit, and listen to the little bird's song, but he was much too lazy to talk to her.

  One day, when the baby birds had hatched from the eggs, the mother flew off to find some food. “Take care of my babies,” she called to Sloth, but he didn't bother to answer.

  While Sloth dozed on his branch, a snake came slithering up the tree looking for baby birds to eat for supper. All around monkeys chattered and birds cheeped warnings, but lazy Sloth slept on.

  Nearer and nearer slithered the snake, not noticing Sloth, so still and green as he hung among the leaves.

  When the snake saw the baby birds, he hissed a loud hiss right in Sloth's ear. Sloth woke up, for he hated hissing noises, unless he made them himself. He was so angry that he opened his eyes, and saw the slippery snake about to snatch the babies from the nest. Unhooking one hand, he clawed at the snake, who was so surprised that he fell out of the tree and slithered away home.

  Then all the birds and monkeys were proud of Sloth, for he was useful, after all.

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