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Am telling you about a peaceful peninsula .Most of local people there are peasants .they planted peppers, peanuts and green peas at the foot of the foot of the mountains .The mountain peaks are planted with pear trees and peach trees .To check the trees ,the peasants pedal their bicycles up and down the mountains everyday .The pears and peaches cost 3dollars per kilogram. The pears and the peaches peel easily .There were many pretty  pebbles along the coast .The local women use them to make necklaces together with pearls. The pearl and pebble necklaces are a peculiarity of the peninsula .The local people live in thatched cottages .But rainwater cannot penetrate their cottages .The pendulums of the clocks in their cottages are the same ,a bear ! That is their mascot .When one gets sick ,he will be injected with penicillin ,when one gets old , ,he will be paid pension by government .The local people have a peculiar habit ,They dislike visitors. Peeping from visitors is forbidden -----penalty 50 pence .The visitors perceive that they are unwelcome and soon leave .

我将告诉你一个安宁的半岛。那里的当地人多数是农民。他们在山脚下种植了胡椒花生和绿豌豆山顶上则种植了梨子树和桃子树。为了检查那些树,农民们每天骑自行车上山下山。梨子桃子每公斤3美元。梨子桃子很容易剥皮。海岸有许多漂亮的卵石。当地的妇女用它们和珍珠一起来做项链。珍珠卵石项链是半岛的一个特色。当地人住在茅草房里。不过雨水无法渗 透过他们的茅草房。他们房里钟摆是一样的,一只小熊!那是他们的吉祥物。有人生病的话,就会注射青霉素;有 人年迈了的话,政府就发养老金的给他。当地人有个古怪的习惯,他们不喜欢游客。游客的窥视是禁止的------违者处罚50便士。游客察觉到自己不受欢迎后会很快离开那里。

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本文标题:看英语小故事速记单词:一个安宁的半岛(中英双语对照) - 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事


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