

阅读 :

  Following the interlocking stratagems they had laid, Wang Yun betrothed his step daughter Diao Chan to Lü Bu, then, to sow discord between the two, presented the girl to Dong Zhou as a concubine. Lü Bu was furious, and each time he met Diao Chan, the latter feigned a sad tearful look. One day, while Dong Chan was in court, Lü Bu rushed back to Dong Zhuo's residence to see the girl. In the Fengyi Pavilion the girl said to him with a desperate look, “I have prolonged my life in disgrace simply so I could have a final meeting with you and let you know my feelings. Ishould have waited upon you but unfortunately Dong Zhuo took me by force. We can only meet in the next life…” So saying she meant to throw herself into the lotus pool. Lü Bu hurriedly held her back and swore, “How can I be a man if I fail to marry you?”Suddenly aware of Lü Bu's absence, Dong Zhuo, suspicious, rushed back to his residence to see Diao Chan was nowhere. The service maids told him the girl and Lü Bu were in the back garden. Dong Zhuo rushed there and at the sight of the two, roared with anger. Lü Bu fled. When Dong Zhuo got back to his bedroom he saw Diao Chan's face was tearful. Being demanded for an answer, the girl said, “I was enjoying flowers in the back garden when Lü Bu stole in to take my liberty. I tried to escape but he drove me to the pavilion with his lance…” Before long the interlocking stratagems worked out-Dong Zhuo was killed by Lü Bu.

  按着王允和貂蝉商定的“连环计”,王允先把貂蝉收为义女许给吕布为妻。为挑拨董卓与吕布的关系,后来又把貂蝉送给董卓为妾。吕布见貂蝉被董卓霸占,心中愤愤不平。貂蝉在吕布面前也假意伤心落泪。一日,董卓上朝议事,吕布忙跑加相府来会貂蝉,二人来到风仪亭,貂蝉凄凄切切地说:“我忍辱偷生是为了见将军一面,表白我心意,我本应该服侍将军,现在却被董卓霸占,今日见面,我心意已了,今生不能作夫妻,再等来世吧!”说完纵身要往荷 花池跳。吕布上前抱住说:“我今生不娶你,绝非英雄!”董卓在殿上正议事,回头不见吕布,心中疑惑,急忙回府。进后堂找不到貂蝉,问丫环才知貂蝉、吕布在后花园。董卓急赶到后花园,向二人在吼一声,吕布转身就跑。董卓回到卧室,见貂蝉哭得泪人一般,责问貂蝉说?quot;你为什么私通吕布!“貂蝉哭诉道:”我在后花园看花,吕布进来调戏我,我急忙躲开,他提画戟把我赶到凤仪亭……“,后来,董卓找吕布追问貂蝉被调戏之事,吕布反目刺死了董卓。

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