The Mules and the Robbers
TWO MULES well-laden with packs were trudging along. One carried panniers filled with money, the other sacks weighted with grain. The Mule carrying the treasure walked with head erect, as if conscious of the value of his burden, and tossed up and down the clear-toned bells fastened to his neck. His companion followed with quiet and easy step. All of a sudden Robbers rushed upon them from their hiding-places, and in the scuffle with their owners, wounded with a sword the Mule carrying the treasure, which they greedily seized while taking no notice of the grain. The Mule which had been robbed and wounded bewailed his misfortunes. The other replied, "I am indeed glad that I was thought so little of, for I have lost nothing, nor am I hurt with any wound."
两匹满载背包的骡子长途跋涉,一匹驮着装满财宝的背包,另一匹驮着装满谷物的背包。驮着财宝的骡子昂着头,不断地摇动系在颈部的铃,使之发出清脆的声音。他趾高气扬地走着,彷 知道所载东西的价值。而那一匹驮着谷物的骡子却以恬静、安闲的步伐跟着走。突然,一班强盗从隐蔽的地方冲出来打劫,在格斗中,一个强盗用一把短刀刺伤了那驮财宝的骡子,将财宝抢劫一空,而那驮着谷物的骡子根本没有引起强盗的注意。受伤的骡子哭诉他的不幸,另一匹却说:「我很高兴强盗不看重我,我没一点损失,也没有受伤。」
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