The Hart and the Vine
A HART, hard pressed in the chase, hid himself beneath the large leaves of a Vine. The huntsmen, in their haste, overshot the place of his concealment. Supposing all danger to have passed, the Hart began to nibble the tendrils of the Vine. One of the huntsmen, attracted by the rustling of the leaves, looked back, and seeing the Hart, shot an arrow from his bow and struck it. The Hart, at the point of death, groaned: "I am rightly served, for I should not have maltreated the Vine that saved me."
有只鹿为逃避猎人的追捕,躲藏在葡萄 底下。猎人刚刚从旁边走过去不远,鹿就以为躲过了危险,便毫无顾及地开始吃那茂盛的葡萄叶子。叶子沙沙地抖动着,猎人们马上掉回头来,觉得叶子底下一定躲着甚么动物,一箭就把鹿射中了。鹿在临死前说:「我真是该死,因为我不应该去伤害救我的葡萄 。」
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