The Hart in the Ox-Stall
A Hart hotly pursued by the hounds fled for refuge into an ox-stall, and buried itself in a truss of hay, leaving nothing to be seen but the tips of his horns. Soon after the Hunters came up and asked if any one had seen the Hart. The stable boys, who had been resting after their dinner, looked round, but could see nothing, and the Hunters went away. Shortly afterwards the master came in, and looking round, saw that something unusual had taken place. He pointed to the truss of hay and said: "What are those two curious things sticking out of the hay?" And when the stable boys came to look they discovered the Hart, and soon made an end of him. He thus learnt that
Nothing escapes the master's eye.
一只鹿被猎狗追赶得很急,跑进一个农家院子里,恐惧不安地混在牛群里躲藏起来。一头牛好意地告诫他说:「喂!不幸的 伙!你为甚么要这样做,你将自己交到敌人手中,这不是自投罗网吗?」鹿回答说:「朋友,只要你允许我躲在这里,我便会寻找机会逃走的。」到了傍晚,牧人来喂牲口,他们并未发现鹿。管家和几个长工经过牛栏时,也没注意牛栏里有鹿。鹿庆幸自己安全,便向那头好意劝告过他的牛表示衷心的感谢。另一头牛说:「我们固然想保护你,但现在还不能完全放心。另外还有一个人要经过牛栏,他对於一切都十分留心。只要他经过后,你的性命就有了保证。」这时,主人进来了,一边埋怨牛饲料分配得不好,一边走到草架旁大声说:「怎么搞的,只有这么一点点草料?牛栏垫的草也不够一半。这些懒虫连蜘蛛网也没打扫乾净。」当他在牛栏里走来走去检查每样东西时,发现鹿角露出在草料上面,便叫来人捉住这只鹿,把他杀掉了。
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