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Guan Yus Loyal Deed of Letting Cao Cao Run Away

  This story is from the novel Three Kingdoms. Cao Cao's troops had suffered heavy casualties in the Chibi Campaign and there were only 300 troops left. Cao Cao led these troops to Huarongdao in retreat. While marching on, Cao Cao, riding horseback, pointed his whip and laughed loudly, saying, “People say Zhuge Liang is wise and full of clever stratagems, but it seems to me he is as incapable as the average general. If he had an army waiting in ambush over there, I would have no way out.” Before he could finish his words, the thunder of cannons was heard and an army headed by Guan Yu stormed out of hiding to block their way. At the sight of Guan Yu's mighty force, the hopeless and disappointed Cao Cao had to beg Guan Yu for a way out. “Now I am pressed in the corner. Please take mercy on me for our past friendship and let me go.” “I have already repaid you for your kindness,” replied General Guan. “Today I can't do anything harmful to the nation.” “Do you remember your killing my six generals while you passed through the five passes?” Cao Cao reminded Guan Yu. In his mind, Guan Yu admitted that if Cao Cao did not ordered his men to let Guan Yu pass through, he would not have gotten through the five passes alive. Guan Yu, a man who valued loyalty highly, ordered his men to make a way and gestured Cao Cao to pass through. Thus, Cao Cao made it through alive.


  赤壁之战曹军大败,所剩三百人马,跟随曹操向华容道退去。正走间,曹操突然在马背上扬鞭大笑说:“ 别人都说诸葛亮足智多谋,我看也是无能之辈,如果他在这里埋伏一支队伍,今天我们只有死路一条了。”曹操的话音刚落,只听一声炮响,关羽领一支人马栏住去路。曹操见了,丢魂丧胆,只得央求关羽说:“我今天无路可走了,望将军看在我们往日的情份上,给我留一条活路!”关羽说:“你的恩情我已报答,今天不能为私情误了国家大事。”曹操说:“将军还记得过五关斩六将吗?”关羽听了,心中暗想,如果不是曹操关照,我闯过五关也保不住性命。关羽是个重义之人,忙士兵闪开一条路,摆手让曹操他们过去,曹操终于保住了性命。


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