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The Flea and the Wrestler
A FLEA settled upon the bare foot of a Wrestler and bit him, causing the man to call loudly upon Hercules for help. When the Flea a second time hopped upon his foot, he groaned and said, "O Hercules! if you will not help me against a Flea, how can I hope for your assistance against greater antagonists?'
有一次,有只跳蚤跳到正在奔跑的运动员脚上,不停地咬他。他十分气愤,准备用手指捏住跳蚤。可跳蚤凭着天生的本领,一窜就逃跑了,保住了小命。运动员 息地说:「赫拉克勒斯呀,如果你是这样帮助我去对付那小小跳蚤的话,又怎样帮助我去战胜强劲的对手呢?」
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上一篇:伊索寓言:跳蚤和公牛 下一篇:伊索寓言:苍蝇与蜜