One day, Tanchun, Li Wen, Li Qi and Xing Youyan came to a pond. "Let's test our luck for the new year by fishing," Tanchun suggested to the rest of the girls. " Whoever has a catch will be lucky throughout the year." Everybody agreed. Tanchun started first. She lowered the line into the water and before long, a fish bit her hook. She hurriedly lifted the line: a bouncing fish, though small, dropped on the ground. She handed the pole to Li Wen, who lowered the line, and raised it when she felt a jerk, only to see an empty hook. She dropped the line again, and lifter itwhen the pole gave another tug: another empty hook. Upon careful inspection, she saw that the hook was damaged. After having the hook changed, she baited it before she threw it into the water, before long, she caught a small fish too. Suddenly, Tanchun cried merrily, "Look, many fish have come to the Third Sister's place. Let her fish quickly." As soon as Li Qi took the pole and lowered the line she had a catch. Xing Youyan was the last one. Secretly she hoped for good luck. Sure enough, as soon as she lowered the line a fish came to her hook. They were all happy for a catch, a symbol of good luck for everyone.
"四美"是指《红楼梦》中的探春、李纹、李绮和邢岫烟四人。一天,他们闲暇无事,来到湖边钓鱼取乐。探春说: "咱们用钓鱼卜算全年的运气,谁要是钓的着鱼,谁今年就运气好。你们说怎么样?"大家一致同意,让探春先钓。探春把丝绳扔到水里,不一会就有一条小鱼上钩,探春急忙把竿挑起,一个活蹦乱跳的小鱼掉在地上。探春交给了李纹,李纹急忙把竿垂下,觉得丝儿一动,忙挑起一看是个空钩。又垂下去,忽然丝儿一动,挑起一看又是空钩。李纹拿下钩一看,原来钩已坏了,她忙让丫头调换鱼钩,挂上鱼食,很快就钓上了一条小鱼。突然,探春叫道:"你们看,鱼都游到三妹妹那边去了,快让三妹妹钓吧!"李纹把竿递给李绮,竿刚垂下,就钓上了一条小鱼。这回该邢岫烟钓了,她见大家都钓到鱼了,希望自己也能如愿,果然,刚下钩没有一会儿,也钓上了一条鱼来。 四美钓鱼卜运,皆有所得,都很高兴。
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