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29 the polite rabbit 有礼貌的兔子

once upon a time, there was a humble rabbit who had very good manners. one day, he went to a farm to eat some vegetables. when his stomach was full he thought of leaving. unexpectedly, he met a fox.
从前有一只兔子,它非常谦虚,待人处世也彬彬有礼。有一 天,它到农民的菜园里去摘菜吃。当它把肚子填得胀鼓鼓的,正 准备离开时,遇到了一只狐狸。

the fox was on his way back to the forest. in fact, he tried to steal a chicken but in vain.
这只狐狸正要返回森林。原本它是想到农家院子里去偷只鸡 来,结果一无所获。

he was starving! when the rabbit saw the fox, he was very frightened. he swiftly ran to a cave. nevertheless, he felt that without permission he should not enter anyone's home. 它肚子饿极了。 兔子见到狐狸,心里一惊,连忙飞快地跑向一个山洞。它知 道未经许可不能随便进入别人的地方,

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本文标题:那些给我智慧和勇气的寓言故事29:有礼貌的兔子 - 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事


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