英汉对照圣经故事:圣巴多罗买 Bartholomew, St.
耶稣的十二使徒之一。他的事迹仅在《新约》中有简短的记载,而他的希伯来文名字可能是Nathanael bar Tolmai.据传巴多罗买曾到衣索比亚、美索不达米亚、安息(今伊朗)、利考尼亚(今土耳其)和亚美尼亚传教。据说他被亚美尼亚国王阿斯提亚格斯下令剥皮砍头而死。
One of the 12 Apostles of Jesus. He is mentioned only briefly in the New Testament, and his Hebrew name may have been Nathanael bar Tolmai. By tradition he was a missionary to Ethiopia, Mesopotamia, Parthia (in modern Iran), Lycaonia (in modern Turkey), and Armenia. He was supposedly martyred at the command of the Armenian king Astyages, who had him flayed and beheaded.
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