
The Brown-Bunnies' Picnic

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  “Come, my dears,” called Mrs Brown-Bunny, one fine spring morning. “It is going to be a beautiful day. If you are very, very good, children, we will have a picnic in the wood!”

  Little Jimmy Brown-Bunny, who was the youngest of the boy bunnies, got so excited.

  “Do let's be quick and get ready,” he said, long before it was really time to go.

  Mrs Brown-Bunny packed her big basket with all sorts of good things that little bunnies love.

  As soon as the sun was right overhead, they set off for the picnic. Mrs Brown-Bunny carried the basket, and the young ones all frisked along as merry as could be. The darted through the long grass, playing hide-and-seek with one another. After a while, they found a shady little dell where there were plenty of toadstools for seats, and a big, flat stone that made a fine table.

  They had great fun setting the table, and as they were all very hungry they were glad to sit down and have a good meal.

  After, they played games while their mother cleared away, but in the middle of playing a game of tag they heard a loud BANG!

  “Quick, children!” called Mrs Brown-Bunny, waking Jimmy. “Ram home as fast as you can! Here comes Farmer Jones with his gun!”

  Away they all ran.

  Mrs Brown-Bunny thought it was an unfortunate ending to their picnic, but the young bunnies thought it was rather exciting and quite enjoyed the race home.

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