
英汉对照圣经故事:髑髅地 Calvary

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  耶路撒冷山丘,为耶稣被钉死于十字架之处。执刑的地点就在耶路撒冷城墙外靠近耶稣圣墓的地方。但确切的位置不详,多数学者认为就在今圣墓大教堂内,或在耶路撒冷城大马士革门正北的戈登髑髅山(Gordon's Calvary)。

  Hill in Jerusalem. The site of Jesus' crucifixion, the hill of execution was outside the city walls of Jerusalem and near the sepulchre where Jesus was buried. Its exact location is uncertain, but most scholars prefer either the spot now covered by the Church of the Holy Sepulchre or a hillock called Gordon's Calvary north of the Damascus Gate.

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