
Little Green Frog

阅读 :

  Little Green Frog lived in a pool, on the edge of which he would sit and blink lazily.

  Every day in fine weather, a little girl came to the pool to look for him.

  She would call to him: “I can see you, dear little green frog. Please croak for me!” And he would croak just to please her.

  Little Green Frog learned to love thee little girl, and was not at all afraid of her.

  One day, she walked past the pool without calling to him, looking up at a tree nearby, where a thrush was sweetly singing.

  “Pretty birdie, how well you sing,” she said. “See, I have some crumbs for you.”

  She quite forgot to give even one look towards the pool, and Little Green Frog.

  After the little girl had gone away, the bird flew down to eat the crumbs.

  Little Green Frog watched for a while, and then hopped nearer to the bird.

  “I think out little girls likes your singing better than my croaking,” he said.

  “Perhaps you were not meant to sing,” said the bird. “I couldn't croak as you do. You croak very nicely.”

  Little Green Fog cheered up.

  When the little girl came again, she had two other children with her.

  They stood beside the pool, and the little girl said:

  “I do hope nothing has happened to my dear Little Green Frog. I have not seen him for a day or two. I want you all to see him. Come, Little Green Frog,” she called, “please croak for my friends!” And then, as he hopped on to his usual resting place, she said: “There he is! Isn't he a darling?”

  Little Green Frog croaked his very best, and the children were delighted.

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