
Sammy Disobeys

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  “Now, Sammy,” said Mrs Hedgehog to her small son, “I am going shopping and you must stay indoors until I come back.”

  “Yes, Mother,” Sammy replied.

  Sammy sat quite still for a few moments, then he opened a book and tried to read. But he kept thinking of the sunshine outside, so he went to the door and peeped out.

  The next instant, he was running through the grass having a fine time. Presently, he began to get a little tired, so he lay down in the middle of the road.

  He had not been basking long before something dark came flickering across the tips of the grass towards him.

  All at once he was grasped in strong claws and lifted high above the ground.

  Sammy was very, very scared when he looked up and saw that he was being carried by a hawk!

  Up, up they went, even so high above the tree tops. It made Sammy giddy when he looked down, so he shut his eyes and tried to curl himself into a ball. In doing so, his spikes must have stuck into the hawk's feet, for, all at once, the bird let go, and Sammy felt himself falling.

  He opened his eyes to see a chimney pot rushing up towards him, and, next moment, down he fell, right into it.

  But he had not fallen far when a sweep's brush pushed him up again.

  That was not the end of Sammy's adventure, for, after turning somersaults, he landed at the feet of a longhorned Billy Goat!

  He took one look at the little black thing hurrying past him then lowered his head, sprang forward and tossed Sammy high over the hedge.

  The little hedgehog landed in a ditch and lay panting with fright. But when he at last opened one eye, he had a big surprise. He was outside his home.

  “I will never disobey again!” he said to himself as he scampered inside.

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