
The Bunnies' Ball

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  There was great excitement in the Brown Bunnies' burrow. It was the night of the Wood Rabbits' Ball.

  At last they were all ready. It was a beautiful moonlit night when they set off to the little dell where the ball was to be held. How pretty it looked. All though the glade the glow-worms had lit their tiny lamps.

  Every Bunny family in the neighbourhood seemed to be there. There were brown bunnies, grey bunnies, and even a few white bunnies, dancing and playing in the moonlight.

  Jimmy Brown Bunny did enjoy himself. He made friends with little Miss Grey Bunny, and danced with her nearly all the evening. Once when they were resting in between dances, Jimmy told little Miss Grey Bunny a great secret. That morning he had found a field full of sweet, juicy Swedes. It made their eyes glisten and their mouths water only to talk about them. The field was quite near, so Jimmy said he would show her the way.

  They crept under the gate, and scampered across the field, when suddenly they heard their enemy, the big brown owl. He was hunting for his supper, flying low and called: “To-whit to-whoo!”

  “Creep close to the old scarecrow, Miss Grey Bunny,” Jimmy whispered. “Perhaps he will be afraid of it too.” Sure enough, the brown owl was afraid, and flew far away.

  Miss Grey Bunny thought Jimmy was the bravest bunny in the world. She looked at him with admiring eyes as they quickly jointed the other bunnies and told them of their adventures.

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