
Susie Swallow

阅读 :

  Susie was a very happy little swallow, who loved to fly out of her nest in the old barn, perch herself high on the tall oak tree nearby, and watch all that was going on.

  One day, while she was sitting alone, she suddenly noticed that the leaves were no longer fresh and green-looking, and she wondered why.

  “How strange!” little Susie thought to herself, “I was sure that leaves stayed green for ever.” Then, as the days went by, they changed from one colour to another, until at last they were a beautiful rich golden brown, and began floating down to the ground beneath.

  “Goodness!” she chirped to herself, “I wonder if the trees will feel cold without their leaves?” So she asked her mummy, who told her that it was the beginning of autumn, which is a sign that winter is not too far away.

  “Are the trees bare for ever?” gasped Susie Swallow in astonishment.

  “No, just until spring. Then fresh green leaves will grow again. But we are going away, to spend autumn and winter in a far off land where the sun shines,” Susie's Mummy told her. “We'll be back in time for the spring, so you'll be able to see for yourself.”

  Just then hundreds swallows gathered in the sky above them, and at once Mrs Swallow flew with Susie to join them. Then away they sped towards the sea, to distant shores where it would be warm until it was time to return.

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