
Snowy the Poodle

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  Snowy was a little white fluffy poodle dog. He was so small, he was really like a toy-but he was so naughty! He was always in trouble, especially when his owner, Anne, wanted to bath him.

  She loved to make Snowy beautifully clean and fluffy, but every time she bathed him, he would wait until she had carefully dried and brushed him so that he looked like a gorgeous white fluffy ball of snow, then he would dash straight up the chimney!

  And when he came out, what a dreadful mess he looked with black soot all over him! Poor Anne would bath him all over again-and would you believe it, he'd do the same thing just as soon as he was clean again! He'd scamper away and climb up the chimney trying to reach what he pretended was a bird!

  When he jumped down again, he'd stand there, wagging his little tail, with his head on one side as if he were smiling at Anne about being completely covered with soot. He would look so happy that Anne could never scold him. Instead, she decided she would change his name. From Snowy to Sooty!

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