
Midsummer Races

阅读 :

  Sammy and Toby tortoise were out for a walk one day. It was a fine sunny day with no clouds in the sky and a cool gentle breeze making the trees and grass away gently to and fro. The two little tortoises heard the sound of cheering coming from the other side of the wood and they decided to walk in that direction to see what the excitement was all about.

  Half-way through the wood they saw a large notice on a tree. Toby read out, “Midsummer Sports Day. To be held in the Long Meadow if weather is fine. Prizes to be presented by Freddy Fox.”

  “So that is why we can hear cheering,” said Sammy.

  When they reached the meadow they saw a gay sight. Brightly dressed little animals were lined up for an egg and spoon race.

  At half-time Dilly the Donkey was very busy serving drinks. There was orange and lemonade, iced chocolate and lime juice. She charged two acorns a glass. The races continued and the two tortoises watched young Harry hedgehog with a race very easily.

  Soon it was time for the prize-giving, and the rosettes and cups were laid out on a table. Freddy Fox arrived, beautifully dressed in bright blue trousers and jacket and a red bow tie. He gave a long speech congratulating the winners, he closed his eyes and puffed himself up as he said, “I am happy to present the 1st prize to Master Bobtail. Will he come up, please?” But Billy Bobtail was nowhere to be seen. Even the fieldmice had gone and the hedgehogs and squirrels, too. Only Sammy and Toby remained, and they couldn't understand why all the animals had disappeared. But I can, can't you?

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