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  One day, when Mamie Mouse and her sister Molly came home from school their Papa and Mama had a surprise for them.

  “Oh, please tell us what it is,” cries Mamie and Molly, and they jumped up end down with excitement. Mamie and Molly followed their parents into the sitting-room and what do you think they saw? A new baby brother!

  “Let me hold him, please,” said Mamie.

  “Please let me,” said Molly. Mama told them to be quiet, or they would wake him.

  “Hurry, girls, we must all help to choose a name for baby. Mamie thought Dinky a good name, because he was so tiny. ”Why not call him Pinky, because he has pink eyes?“ said Molly.

  “We must choose a more grown up name, and if we don't hurry he will have grown up without a name! Oh-I know! We will call him Marcus!” said Mama.

  “Why not make everyone happy, and call him Dinky-Pinky-Marcus?” said Papa. So they all agreed that it was a perfect name, until he grew up. Then he would be called Mr Marcus Mouse.

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