
The Man Wreathed in Seaweed 一身海草的人-意大利童话

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the man wreathed in seaweed

a king had his crier announce in the town squares that whoever found his missing daughter would be rewarded with a fortune but the announcement brought no results, since no one had any idea of the girl's whereabouts she had been kidnapped one night, and they had already looked the world over for her

a sea captain suddenly had the thought that since she wasn't on land she might well be on the sea, so he got a ship ready to go out in search of her but when the time came to sign up the crew, not one sailor stepped forward, since no one wanted to go on a dangerous expedition that would last no telling how long

the captain waited on the pier, but fearful of being the first to embark, no one approached his ship also on the pier was samphire starboard, a reputed tramp and tippler, whom no ship captain was ever willing to sign on

"listen," said our captain, "how would you like to sail with me?"

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