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负荆请罪 中文


战国时期,廉颇是赵国有名的良将,他战功赫赫,被拜为上卿,蔺相如“完璧归”有功,被封为上大夫不久,又在渑池秦王与赵王相会的时候,维护了赵王的尊严,因此也被提升为上卿,且位在廉颇之上。廉颇对此不服,扬言说:“我要是见了他,一定要羞辱他一番.” 蔺相如知道后,就有意不与廉颇会面。别人以为蔺相如害怕廉颇,廉颇为此很得意。可是商相如却说:“我哪里会怕廉将军?不过,现在秦国倒是有点怕我们赵国,这主要是因为有廉将军和我两个人在。如果我跟他互相攻击,那只能对秦国有益。我之所以避开廉将军,是以国事为重,把私人的恩怨丢一边儿了!” 这话传到了廉颇耳朵里,廉颇十分感动,便光着上身,背负荆杖,来到蔺相如家请罪。他羞愧地对商相如说:“我真是一个糊涂人,想不到你能这样地宽宏大量!”两个人终于结成誓同生死的朋友。


负荆请罪 英文

to bring a birch and ask for a flogging; to offer a humble apology

In the Warring States Period (zhàn guó 战国, 475-221 BC), Lian Po and Lin Xiangru were both officials of the State of Zhao. Having rendered outstanding service, Lin Xiangru was promoted above Lian Po. Disgrunted, Lian Po announced that he intended to humiliated Lin the next time he met him. Lin Xiangru, putting the benefit of the country first, avoided Lian Po in order not to cause conflict, thus bringing opprobrium on himself. Later when Lian Po realised his mistake, he was so ashamed that he went to Lin’s home carrying brambles on his naked back and asking for punishment.

This idiom indicates acknowledging one’s mistake and offering a sincere apology.

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