- The Boy and the Nettle
- A boy playing in the fields got stung by a nettle.He ran home to his mother,telling her that he had but touched that nasty weed,and it had stung him.“It is just your touching it,my boy,”said his m...
2018-12-11 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事 -
- A Subtle Hint
- Xue Tan took singing lessons from Qin Qing,a famous singer inthe state of Qin.Before learning all that Qing had to teach him,Xue claimed that he had mastered all of Qing's skills and asked to lea...
2018-12-11 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事 -
- The Travellers and the Bear
- Two friends were travelling together when they met with a bear.One of them was in great fear,and without a thought of his companion climbed up into a tree,and hid himself.The other seeing that he...
2018-12-11 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事 -
- 《蓝皮童话书》之The Black Bull Of Norroway
- And many a hunting song they sung, And song of game and glee; Then tuned to plaintive strains their tongue, "Of Scotland's luve and lee."To wilder measures next they turn "The Black, Black Bul...
2018-12-11 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事 -
- 《蓝皮童话书》之The Red Etin
- THERE were ance twa widows that lived on a small bit o' ground, which they rented from a farmer. Ane of them had twa sons, and the other had ane; and by-and- by it was time for the wife that h...
2018-12-11 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事 -
- 《蓝皮童话书》之The Story Of Prince Ahmed And The Fairy Paribanou
- I THERE was a sultan, who had three sons and a niece. The eldest of the Princes was called Houssain, the second Ali, the youngest Ahmed, and the Princess, his niece, Nouronnihar. The Prince...
2018-12-11 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事 -
- 《蓝皮童话书》之The History Of Jack The Giant-killer
- IN the reign of the famous King Arthur there lived in Cornwall a lad named Jack, who was a boy of a bold temper, and took delight in hearing or reading of conjurers, giants, and fairies; and u...
2018-12-11 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事 -
- 《蓝皮童话书》之Trusty John
- ONCE upon a time there was an old king who was so ill that he thought to himself, "I am most likely on my death-bed."Then he said, "Send Trusty John to me."Now Trusty John was his favorite ser...
2018-12-11 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事 -
- 《蓝皮童话书》之The Brave Little Tailor
- ONE summer's day a little tailor sat on his table by the window in the best of spirits, and sewed for dear life. As he was sitting thus a peasant woman came down the street, calling out: "Good...
2018-12-11 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事 -
- 《蓝皮童话书》之A Voyage To Lilliput
- CHAPTER I MY father had a small estate in Nottinghamshire, and I was the third of four sons. He sent me to Cambridge at fourteen years old, and after studying there three years I was bound...
2018-12-11 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事 -
- 《蓝皮童话书》之The Princess On The Glass Hill
- ONCE upon a time there was a man who had a meadow which lay on the side of a mountain, and in the meadow there was a barn in which he stored hay. But there had not been much hay in the barn fo...
2018-12-11 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事 -
- 《蓝皮童话书》之Prince Darling
- ONCE upon a time there lived a king who was so just and kind that his subjects called him "the Good King."It happened one day, when he was out hunting, that a little white rabbit, which his do...
2018-12-11 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事 -
- 《蓝皮童话书》之Blue Beard
- THERE was a man who had fine houses, both in town and country, a deal of silver and gold plate, embroidered furniture, and coaches gilded all over with gold. But this man was so unlucky as to...
2018-12-11 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事 -
- 《蓝皮童话书》之Toads And Diamonds
- THERE was once upon a time a widow who had two daughters. The eldest was so much like her in the face and humor that whoever looked upon the daughter saw the mother. They were both so disagree...
2018-12-11 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事 -
- 不寒而栗(英文)
- In the reign of Emperor Wudi of the Han Dynasty,there was a man whose name was Yi Zong.Because of the special Kindness of the mother of the emperor, Yi Zong was made a county magistrate in the S...
2018-12-11 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事 -
- 中国成语典故中英对照-曾子杀彘
- zengzi's wife was going to the market. Her little son insisted on going with her, making a tearful scene. “Stay at home,” she said to the boy. “When I come back, I will slaughter a pig for you...
2018-12-11 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事 -
- 中国成语典故中英对照:一鼓作气
- Rousing the Spirits with the First Drum Roll 春秋时代,齐国派兵攻打鲁国。鲁国的国王鲁庄公带着谋士曹刿指挥作战。齐军第一次击鼓以后,鲁军准备发起进攻。曹刿说:“不行。”齐军三次击鼓以后,曹刿才说:“现...
2018-12-11 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事 -
- 中国成语典故中英对照:狐假虎威
- Basking in Reflected Glory 老虎在山林里捉到了一只狐狸,要吃掉它。狐狸连忙说:“你不能吃我,我是天帝派来统治百兽的。你要吃了我,就违抗了天帝的命令。你不信,就跟我到山林里去一趟,看百兽见了我是不是都很害...
2018-12-11 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事 -
- 中国成语典故中英对照:一鸣惊人
- Amazing the World with a Single Feat 战国时代,齐威王即位后做了三年国君,只顾享乐,不理政事。有个善于说笑话的人叫淳于髡,一天对齐威王说:“城里有一只大鸟,三年不飞也不叫,你知道这是什么道理?”齐威王说:“这...
2018-12-11 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事 -
- 中国成语典故中英对照:画饼充饥
- Allaying Hunger with Pictures of Cakes 三国时代魏国的皇帝曹睿,准备选拔一个有才能的人到朝廷来做官。曹睿对他的大臣说:“选择人才,不能光找有虚名的人。虚名好像是在地上画的一块饼,只能看,不能解决肚子饥...
2018-12-11 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事 -
- 中国成语典故中英对照:怒发冲冠
- So Angry That One' s Hair Lifts Up One' s Hat 战国时代,赵国的大臣蔺相如出使到秦国。在他向秦王索回玉璧的时候,秦王蛮不讲理,蔺相如气愤得连头发都竖了起来,向上冲着帽子。 In the Warring States Per...
2018-12-11 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事 -
- Rapunzel
- There once lived a man and his wife, who had long wished for a child, but in vain. Now there was at the back of their house a little window which overlooked a beautiful garden full of the fine...
2018-12-10 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事 -
- The Frog Prince
- In the old times, when people could have all they wished, there lived a King whose daughters were all handsome, but the youngest was so beautiful that the sun himself, who has seen so much, wo...
2018-12-10 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事 -
- The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats
- There was once an old goat who had seven little ones, and was as fond of them as ever mother was of her children. One day she had to go into the wood to fetch food for them, so she called them...
2018-12-10 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事 -
- The City Mouse and the Country Mouse
- Once there were two mice. They were friends. One mouse lived in the country; the other mouse lived in the city. After many years the Country mouse saw the City mouse; he said, "Do come and see...
2018-12-10 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事