

阅读 :

  zengzi's wife was going to the market. Her little son insisted on going with her, making a tearful scene. “Stay at home,” she said to the boy. “When I come back, I will slaughter a pig for you.” When she came back, Zengzi got ready to slaughter the pig. His wife stopped him, saying: “I was just kidding.” “A child is not to be kidded like that!” he replied. “A child does not know much and cannot judge for himself. He learns from his parents and listens to what they day. To lie to him is to teach him to lie to others. If a mother lies to her son, he will not trust her anymore. How is she then to educate him?” With that Zengzi went to slaughter the pig and prepare a good meal for their son.

  曾子的妻子到集市上去, 他的儿子哭着要跟去。 他的母亲说: “你回家呆着,待会儿我回来杀猪给你吃。” 她刚从集市上回来, 曾子就要捉猪去杀。 妻子劝止他说: “只不过是跟孩子开玩笑罢了。” 曾子说: “不能跟孩子开玩笑啊! 小孩子没有思考和判断能力, 要向父母亲学习, 听从父母的教导。 现在你欺骗他,这是教孩子骗人啊! 母亲欺骗儿子, 儿子就不再相信自己的母亲了, 这不是实现教育的方法。” 于是曾子就杀猪煮肉给孩子吃。

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