
大学英语作文模板: 你的最佳拍档

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Complex emotions always disturb us and we will become upset. Once we meet that situation, the first reflection of us is to find some people to tell them how sorrowful we are. In our heart of heart, we are usually desirous to get some comfort from other people. However, in some cases, other people will give you little help. The person who can save you is yourself. Properly speaking, it is our heart.


Your heart plays an irreplaceable role in your life. He will give you enough encourage when you feel like giving up. In addition, he will company you to do whatever you want to do forever. You can get assured, because he won’t leave you.


Yeah, your heart indeed will help you a lot, but you must study how to get along with him. At first, we should respect our heart. Sometimes, you actually know something is wrong and your heart tell you not to do. However, you still to finish it and then you will feel regretful to do that. Secondly, you should have a good control of your heart. It is said that you can slowly learn to control your emotions. It will give you surprising results when you manage to do that.


All in all, you and your heart are the best partners. Your heart will lead you to use a right way to make you wiser to live. The most important factor to let you get rid of troubles is that you should have a good state of mind. Your life’s host is yourself.


I would like to say that the only saver is yourself. With a wise heart, when we meet difficulties, we should not say to give up. You should remember that life is full of unpleasant things, but we should have a satisfying life experience. Our best partner—our heart will give us unlimited motivations and confidence to overcome any difficulties. We should have a perfect cooperation with our heart all the time. Love our heart, Love ourselves.


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本文标题:大学英语作文模板: 你的最佳拍档 - 大学英语作文_大学英文作文_大学生英语作文网



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