
天体浴之我见 My Views on Celestial Body Bath

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Celestial body bath is a behavior that people lying naked on the beach enjoying the sunshine, in some place in the foreign, celestial body bath has been considered as a way the people could return to the natural and enjoy health, while it has been a controversial topic in China. Some Chinese are becoming increasingly aware of the benefit of celestial body bath, they go to the beach in Sanya to enjoy it. In my opinion, I think celestial body bath is not acceptable in China, I have several reasons to support my point of view.


In the first place, naked in a public place is not allowed in the traditional Chinese morality, it can be considered as a morality undone. China is quite a conservative country, especially for the old generation. It is hard for them to take when they see someone lying naked on the beach and having a big enjoyable face. Besides, even for the young generation, it could be wire to see a bunch naked men on the beach, which is bad for them to set up a correct aesthetic, and might be hard to keep the fine traditional style of Chinese over the next generation.


In the second place, celestial body bath is harmful to society’s morals. Sanya is a prestigious tourist attraction at home and abroad, thousands of people come to here to enjoy their holidays, lots of them are come from foreign. If our foreign friend saw the Chinese naked man on the beach, then our fine traditional style of Chinese fame would be ruined.


To sum up, celestial body bath is not acceptable in China, we should both think of the old generation’s feelings as well as educate the young generation, and keep the excellent Chinese traditional style.


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